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The expenses that may arise during the development of an app

We will be happy to put together a customized offer for you.

Since costs are a significant concern and openness is one of our company’s tenets, we highly value transparent communication and the disclosure of expenses made when creating apps.

You should be aware that we are a full-service agency with locations in Berlin and Köln right away. This implies that we will work with you all the way through to the finished result. The costs will vary according to the different phases, and if you request it, we will take on all outstanding tasks. But when we give you advice, we assume that you won’t pay anything.

Poor marketing may be quite expensive.

Please allow us to take you under our wing as a professional, as anyone without the requisite expertise in social media marketing runs the risk of losing a lot of money to shady solicitations. With relatively little investment, we can reach as many of your potential customers as we can, and then turn them into customers. As a result, our expert support is advantageous and economical.

Costs they may realistically estimate for the different phases

Following is a list of the typical costs incurred during each phase to provide you more precise numbers:

  • 2500 € for planning
  • Design creation – approximately 2900 €
  • Programming of native apps – approximately 13900 €
  • Web-App Programming – approximately 6500 €

In general, the level of planning, design, and programming has a significant impact on the amount of money spent. How smoothly the software integrates with the device is another consideration. The beginning point is always the objective that you are pursuing with the app. Whether customers select Android or iOS also has an impact on the price. For instance, Android sets itself apart from iOS by providing a wide range of variants arising from different manufacturer and operating system pairings. In this situation, the use of the wrong combination could incur extra costs.

We will work with you to choose the optimal combination for your app that suits your vision and is as affordable as feasible in order to keep development costs as low as possible. It is imperative to plan ahead for as many upcoming expenses as you can. You will profit from our knowledge during this period as we identify and restrict the jobs that are currently in progress. Avoid unforeseen and, more crucially, unwarranted expenditures as a result.

Whether it’s an individual or progressive web app, an iOS or Android native app, or something else entirely: Let us guide you so that we can determine your demands and do all necessary duties.